BBC1: 10.50pm 'Sting's Winter Songbook' - Sting returns to his roots in the North East of England to perform a collection of specially-conceived winter songs at Durham Cathedral...

December 29, 2009

Sting returns to his roots in the North East of England to perform a collection of specially-conceived winter songs at Durham Cathedral. In conversation with Alan Yentob, the film follows Sting and his eclectic mix of folk, rock and classical musicians, both in his home in Italy and in Durham, where he's seen creating his unique blend of folk songs, carols and ballads.

While rehearsing in the Cathedral, he takes the opportunity to visit the haunts of his youth in Newcastle, and meets up with the formative members of his early bands before the concert in the magnificent setting of Durham's thousand-year-old Cathedral.

BBC1, 29 December, 10.50pm


Dec 28, 2009
As the headline attraction of the spectacular Academy of Music 153rd Anniversary Concert on Saturday, January 30, 2010, in performance with The Philadelphia Orchestra and his own quartet of musicians conducted by David Hartley, Sting will perform in Philadelphia with an abundance of fresh critical and popular acclaim. Watching his album become a classical crossover sensation since debuting at #1 on Billboard's Classical and Seasonal charts at the start of the holiday season, the Academy is especially proud to welcome Sting with such comfortable surroundings unique to the intermingling genres that have defined his remarkable career for nearly four decades...
Dec 25, 2009
Sting says church feels like home: On a cold December night in New York City, an Arctic wind scratches at the exposed skin of any brave souls out on the streets. At Morningside Heights in Manhattan, a stream of pedestrians flows out of the chill and into the embrace of the magnificent Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine...