Sting: ‘The Church’s Music and Liturgy Fed This Artistic Soul’...

August 09, 2018

The former lead singer of ‘The Police’ tells the Register he is grateful for his Catholicism, shares his love for Latin and sacred music, and says he hasn’t ruled out one day coming back to the Sacraments.

Despite reaching the lofty heights of fame and success in the entertainment industry, the English singer, songwriter and actor Sting has never forgotten his Catholic roots and says he remains “grateful” for his Catholicism which is “linked” to his music. 

Read the rest of this article at The National Catholic Register.



Aug 8, 2018

Anyone who was lucky enough to see The Last Ship during it's recent UK theatre run will have left the theatre impressed but what they saw and heard. In an exclusive interview with PSNEurope, the revered sound designer Sebastian Frost has spoken about The Last Ship's complex stage production in a technical but fascinating article...

Aug 7, 2018

My book of the month for August is Craig Brown’s biography of Princess Margaret. ‘Ma’am Darling’. While I’m not normally into Royal biographies, this one is rather unique in its beautifully written kaleidoscopic structure. It is very funny without being entirely uncompassionate about her celebrated rudeness...