Sacred Love

Pittsburgh, PA, US
Post Gazette Pavilion at Star Lakewith Dominic Miller & Annie Lennox
Sting in Pittsburgh...

It was a great show all in all, I really love 'Shape Of My Heart', very often I find myself thinking of that song when I play solitude on the computer... that sort of is my kind of meditation.;)

It is great that Dominic was signing Cd's, personally I didn't go over there, either. Wouldn't it be nice though if we would be able to get a few seconds with Sting himself to get his autograph or a picture taken? As far as I know cameras were not allowed, so I didn't even attempt to bring one. (Not that I would've gotten a great shot of him anyway with my seat being a bit too far from the stage to get any pictures worthwhile). Way back when, in the ''old days'', I know that even if you couldn't get an autograph at a (any)concert, you had the possibility of writing in at the fanclub to request one, I have no idea where to request one here for Sting? If I wouldn't have a life of my own and if I had time and money on my hands I might have been able to go to a book signing, but unfortunately I don't have the luxury of doing things like that whatever and whenever.

I always liked Annie Lennox - her music, that is. She has a terrific voice and she really pulled off a great show, but of course also I was mainly there because Sting was performing. If Annie Lennox would've come on her own, I would have not paid to see her, because although I really like her music, I don't like it that much... or example I wouldn't be able to listen to it over and over again. Also I admit that a persons appearance and attitude has a lot to do with it, too. Annie Lennox is not ugly, and she definately is a Diva in her own way, and she really stood out with that silver sparkly outfit she had on, but... I don't feel the need to see her, since I simply enjoy listening to her music as it is... I wouldn't have to see her in concert for it. Sting's music is a bit more classical and therefor easier on the ear, even after repetitions, and his music seems a lot more vibrant when you see him live in concert... in concert his music really gets extra meaning, because his show and he himself really add to it. It just simply is a different style and ambiente to Annie Lennox's, and I prefer Sting's style.

Anyway, it should be interesting to see if he continues to make ''double shows'' like that with other artists as well in the future, and then one can only hope that the other artist is to one's liking. Annie Lennox was a good choice for him, like I said I always liked her music, but I do wonder with who else he might intend to tour with in the future, also in regards of how that might influence ticket sales and satisfied fans, if they have to ''sit through'' the first hour or so in order to finally see the star they paid for... I guess time will tell. :-)

(c) Vision of Violet for

