Ghost In The Machine

Omaha, NE, US
Rosenblatt Stadiumwith The English Beat
The Big time - We join the Police in America and find they're a force to be reckoned with!

The Police arrived on the music scene with 'Can't Stand Losing You' in 1978, and although it suddenly catapulted them to fame, their success was definitely not an overnight one. Sting, Andy and Stewart had all been playing as unknowns for years, trying to hit the big time, and now as one of our most popular bands, the big time is certainly where they are!

Unfortunately for us, the band are now just as huge in America, and that means they've got to spend quite a bit of time over there. Concerts here are few and always packed to capacity - you practically need binoculars to see the stage, never mind the band. That's why we decided it was time to treat ourselves to some close-ups of the Police and as the trio were currently packing them in across the Atlantic, that's just where we went.

As they're so popular, not to mention incredibly busy, the press aren't usually allowed to go too near the venue or the band - however Jackie was the only British magazine authorised to cover the event, and although we're Britain's biggest and best, it was still our pleasure!

The place was the Rosenblatt Baseball Stadium in Omaha, Nebraska, and the Police were supported by another British band, The Beat. After their 45-minute session before an amazing 13,500 crowd, The Beat, dripping with sweat disappeared off stage, and the scene was set...

As daylight faded and the crowd grew impatient, backstage each member of the band had his own way of preparing for the concert. Andy, as always with a camera around his neck took photographs for his personal album; Stewart was in high spirits and played banjo with Dave Wakeling of the Beat, while Sting laughed and joked with backstage personnel.

The signal was given and soon, three shadows could be spotted running up the short flight of stairs to the stage. This was all the crowd needed and as their roar grew, the Police were in position, their instruments checked, the lights were switched on and the stage burst into life. Beginning with the appropriate 'Bring On The Night', there was no stopping the boys in blue.

From then on the show was peppered with hits like 'Roxanne', 'Message In A Bottle', 'So Lonely', 'Spirits In The Material World', 'Can't Stand Losing You' and lots more. The crowd danced, Sting danced, Andy danced and Stewart did his best to join in under the circumstances. It was a great night.

The show was incredible success, and 90 minutes later they finished and even came back for a three song encore. The crowd were still cheering as the band made their escape from the venue, racing back down the stairs and into a line of gleaming limousines. Before you could say 'Reggatta de Blanc' the band were on their way to their luxurious hotel.

The Police may be having a ball across the Atlantic, but we hope it's not too long before the force is with us once again!

(c) Jackie

