Police Reunion

Denver, CO, US
Pepsi Centerwith Fiction Plane
Second night in Denver...

Tonight's concert in Denver was as amazing and exciting as Saturday's. Very energetic show, it really felt like the band even gave more than what I thought was possible. The setlist was the same except they came out a fourth time to close with ''Next To You'' where on Saturday they played 'Every Breath You Take' and 'Next To You' back to back. Sting didn't do his usual way of introducing Andy to Stewart and Stewart to Andy after 'Synchronicity II'. Instead it was, ''The legendary Andy Summers'' and ''Equally legendary Stewart Copeland''. He did repeat Saturday's joke after 'Don't Stand So Close To Me', though, about Denver being the Mile High city where the men have all the white cells and the women, the red! 'Driven To Tears' just knocked me out with its energy. Stewart's powerful drumming on Sting's arresting bass was worth the admission alone. Andy couldn't repeat the blistering solo he did on Saturday but it was still great and he brought it home alright. Stewart ripped his snare drum's skin during 'Walking On The Moon' and told Sting to wait up till they changed his snare. Sting asked Stewart if a pig had to die every time he got a new skin for his snare.

Both Stewart and Sting counted the 1, 2, 3, 4 in synch before a spotless take of 'Truth Hits Everybody'. ''The Bed's Too Big Without You'' was wonderful. This might be a personal thing but how I wish Sting performed this song the way he does on the mono version, specially the part where he sings ''Everyday just the same'' in that high register. I've always preferred this over the standard 'Reggatta de Blanc' version. It's still so nice that they end the song the way the mono version ends. When it comes to high register, the same could be said about 'De Do Do Do' where he sings the build-up to chorus ''When their eloquence escapes me, their logic ties me up and rapes me'' lines an octave lower than the original recording. Of course this is understandable since that could get his vocal chords shot, a crucial thing he will be needing for another eight songs or so! He didn't do the ''Bonanza'' bit this time before 'Can't Stand Losing You' but he did talk about ''Rawhide'' and how he used to watch it on Wednesdays in the old days!

Out of the three Vancouver and these two Denver concerts I saw, I had the best seats for this one, 2nd row, section AAA, seat 1. Only in my wildest dreams I imagined seeing The Police this close. This has happened with Sting more than a few times but with The Police, I mean to see them this close, I consider it a true miracle. It only took a quarter century to happen and it did. The wait was well worth it!

Right after the band left the stage, I approached the rail and waited for Danny Quatrochi to come back out after taking Sting's bass inside. I kindly asked him if I could have Sting's setlist and I felt like a four year old being handed the best ice cream out of the truck when he reached out and handed it to me (note the chord changes on 'Don't Stand', 'Truth Hits Everybody' and 'Every Little Thing She Does is Magic').

For all those who haven't seen this tour yet, yes, you too will soon walk on the moon! Your pockets being empty, will make you even lighter and that'll make it all the easier to walk, so it's OK! There's always plenty of work to make money again!

Thank you for reading,

(c) Koko for Sting.com

