Back to Bass Tour

Cape Town, ZA
Grand Arena
Smeulende Sting terug na sy wortels...

Sting: GrandWest-arena, Goodwood ****

"'n Mens kan nie waardig oud word in rock 'n' roll nie," het die sanger Nick Cave in 'n 2008-onderhoud gesê. "Jy moet maar skandalig uitklok. Anders eindig jy soos Sting wat luitmusiek speel."

Wat Cave nie besef het nie, maar wat Dinsdagaand vir almal by Sting se ­ konsert in die GrandWest-arena duidelik moes wees, is dat hierdie 16-malige Grammy-wenner en superster van 'n ander, jonger en gesonder planeet as ons gewone armsalige sterflinge kom - hy sal klaarblyklik nooit hoef af te tree nie.

As dit nie die geval is nie, moet daar iets wees aan al die media-gerugte oor sy joga-verslawing en ­bedrewenheid in die tantriese seks-departement (hoewel Sting laas­genoemde speels op die verhoog ontken het). Die 60-jarige Britse ikoon lyk eenvoudig onbetaamlik jonk; eintlik te goed om waar te wees. In jeans en 'n stywe grys T-hemp was daar geen teken van vet of slap, moeë vlees aan die voormalige voorsanger van The Police te bespeur nie.

Hy het ook nie die vol saal op enige van sy luitmusiek met klassieke ­ pretensies getrakteer nie - die hele idee agter sy huidige Back To Bass-wêreldtoer is om terug te keer na sy wortels as baskitaarspeler en sanger.

Met 'n kookwatergroep van ses musikante agter hom het hy dan ook die waarderende gehoor meer as twee uur lank vermaak met 'n eklektiese keur van oud en nuut totdat die ­dansende skare hom vir drie toegifte teruggejuig het.

Nadat Sting (Gordon Sumner vir sy ma) energiek begin het met drie groot treffers - 'All this Time', 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic' en 'Englishman in New York' - het 'n mens toenemend onder die indruk van sy veelsydigheid as sanger-liedjieskrywer gekom.

Die man het nie net 'n fenomenale, onmiskenbare stem nie, maar as komponis is hy ewe vlot in pop, rock, funk, jazz en folk hy kan selfs 'n bietjie country gooi as dit moet, soos hy gewys het met 'Love Is Stronger than Justice' wat ge­ëindig het met 'n heerlike hondsdol viool­solo deur Pete Tickell.

'n Mens vermoed egter die Police se immergroen, reggae-gegeurde mengsel van pop-rock is sy musikale moedertaal. Sting se solo-loopbaan het sedert 1985 verskeie hoogtepunte opgelewer, maar iewers in die middel van die konsert het die ­indruk ­ontstaan dat jy na die vir­tuose styl en vingeroefeninge van 'n hoogs begaafde popkunstenaar luister wie se inspirasie hom soms in die liriek­afdeling versaak.

Met opruiende weergawes van die ou Police-treffers 'King of Pain', 'Roxanne' en 'Every Breath You Take' in die eerste toegif was alle bedenkinge egter vergete en alle oë op die lenige blonde sanger.

Want dit is met hierdie smeulende, klassieke liedjies oor die obsessiewe kant van begeerte dat Sting sy plek in die Rock and Roll-heldesaal deur en deur verdien het.

(c) Die Burger by Danie Marais
posted by nickdev
This must be Sting's best band of the la
I was at the Tuesday night show in Cape Town. What a concert! I loved that it was a stripped down band with the focus on the music - I find lavish sets for a concert puzzling (as if musicians need to distract the audience from their performance.) I have seen Sting in concert five times over the years and I think this was by far the best, although his first Cape Town concert was incredible (way back in 1993), I think he is a far better musician now and has an incredible list of songs to choose from. Overall I was left with the impression that this has to be one of the best live bands touring the world right now. Thank you Sting for the music and thanks for coming back to Cape Town. Please don't wait another ten years before coming back.
posted by nickdev
This must be Sting's best band of the la
I was at the Tuesday night show in Cape Town. What a concert! I loved that it was a stripped down band with the focus on the music - I find lavish sets for a concert puzzling (as if musicians need to distract the audience from their performance.) I have seen Sting in concert five times over the years and I think this was by far the best, although his first Cape Town concert was incredible (way back in 1993), I think he is a far better musician now and has an incredible list of songs to choose from. Overall I was left with the impression that this has to be one of the best live bands touring the world right now. Thank you Sting for the music and thanks for coming back to Cape Town. Please don't wait another ten years before coming back.
posted by ledlet
I doubt if Sting really ever reads any of these and who could ever hold it against him ?He's done enough and given a choice between a good book and quiet game of chess or mindless fan mail and media activity I know which way I would swing .However its about the gig which was nice . Not great but not bad either. In the 12th row aisle seat I had a fair view but the sound was not always as good as it could and should have been . Sometimes the balance between vocal and backing not fantastic and some of Sting's lyrics got lost here and there .I would mention diction were it not for the fact that Sting is usually pretty articulate and understandable which was not always the case here The musicianship was of a relatively high standard with Vinnie standing out( which one would expect ). Sting is great and has influenced me as both lyricist and musician .Deserving of all acolades in the main .The band nice and the tunes well played . He has a nice easy going inter action and obviously loves it all ... Now I can say I have seen him live and go on studying the music of John Coltrane
posted by SarahJThom
Cape Town Concert
My husband & I had a ball last night. Thank you to the band & of course Sting for passionate music & musical excellence.
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